modo: UV mapping in modo?
Posted: June 07, 2006
Post subject: modo: UV mapping in modo?
Post subject: modo: UV mapping in modo?
How is modo's UV mapping? easier then 3dsmax's? cuz i hate 3dsmax's UVunwrap's and multiregion shit
I shopped around for a UV mapping program purely to avoid using max's but came up short
I shopped around for a UV mapping program purely to avoid using max's but came up short
Posted: June 08, 2006
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Posted: June 08, 2009
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Modo UV mapping tools are great as well as UV mapping tools in the newest version of 3ds max.
Posted: September 20, 2009
Post subject: New to 3DMAX
Post subject: New to 3DMAX
I just modelled a human head and did unwrapping but the texture is showing on the back head as well. What do I do.