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3ds Max 8: Could not allocate memory error

Posted: September 02, 2006
Please help!!!
I get a "could not allocate memory" error
What the reason?
Posted: September 03, 2006
Rod Politoff
Need more ram , out of HD space?
Set a calculating process too high?
Ie. too many sub-d's for GI / Displacement etc..
Cloth sim , physics sim too complex, invalid mesh included in calculation?
Posted: September 03, 2006
Maybe too much displacement
I have 1.3 ram
Calculating process too high?
Posted: September 03, 2006
Rod Politoff
Posted: September 04, 2006
Whats that sorry
Posted: September 04, 2006
Rod Politoff
Anything that requires calculation either by manually starting the calculation ( cloth sim .. ) or at render time ( displacement )
All depends when your gettin the error
And whats included in your scene
Posted: September 04, 2006
I think it was in displacement
Nothing much
Posted: September 08, 2006
No good ingeneral
Posted: September 08, 2006
Yes i know
I had only 2 and got other from a friend
Now I know the error came not with displacement
I guess i'am rendering now
Posted: September 08, 2006
I got less than you, and i don't have any memory problems unless i image sample alot
Posted: September 08, 2006
Posted: September 08, 2006
Posted: September 08, 2006
You use vray?
Posted: September 09, 2006
Hell no
Standard render and mental ray
Posted: September 09, 2006
Its rendering now
Super fast
Super ok
And i didnt change anything
Just sampling from 8 to 4
I already did that often
Posted: April 11, 2009
I have a Error while rendering a scene.The error comes to tht only file.Plz help me.I am in big trouble. Embarassed Sad Question
Posted: April 11, 2009
3d artist gallery Andyba
try hiding all objects and render every object separately this way you will find what object or setting is making troubles.
Posted: June 08, 2009
If this happens to this single file only as you have specified, then the likelihood is strong that the file suddenly became corrupt. Just a worst case scenario. There should be a back up file in the directory folders. Check first if it can be recovered. And pray for the best.
Posted: June 10, 2009
3d artist gallery Andyba
mediafreak, if the file loads properly into the 3d software without any errors how can it be corrupt? Most probably the scene in this file has some settings or mesh errors...

Sanat, please provide more details about your scene.
Posted: January 12, 2010
Hmmnnm...Maybe too much displacement.
Posted: January 12, 2010
Well, Anything that requires calculation either by manually starting the calculation ( cloth sim .. ) or at render time.