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3ds Max: Scaling bipes with links amd without loosing produc

Posted: February 06, 2007
Hi ... I have a problem that has irritated me for two years or more so please help me :wavey:

othen when i Import a character/biped to another scene, then it is not in the correct scale aspect... its to big or to small :thumbsdow

and offcause there is a lot of shit linked to the biped like eyes, sun glasses, watch etc...

and i want to scale the hole shit...

In the Character Studio Help file it says: scale it in this way ::: Figure Mode > Heigth

I've made the mainmesh and the biped as small.... now my producual maps is ****ed up, my shag hair is ****ed up, an all the object I've linked to the biped is also ****ed up...

Then I try another thin... the "Rescale World unit" in Utilities > more...

and that fing sucks to :surprised

I'm f***** depressed, please help me ...any ideers or advice for future setups that does it easyer to scale that poo ???? !! :drool: