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3ds Max: Qquestion for Euler rotation contrl....

Posted: April 06, 2007
Hi~dear guys.. Smile

i 'm a bit confused with the use of Euler rotation contrller....In R.3X and earlier ...i hav ever seen the Local Euler and World Euler controller,but the those 're dissapear replacing by Euler rotation contrler after r3.x version...

i hav ever seen some solution from some articles.One way is to change the "Axis Orders" set 'XYZ" to "ZYX" from the Eular Parameters rollout,and it could rotate with Local Axis,not world....

Although it can solve the local problem, i still don't understand why to chang the "Axis order"...???

becos the max's Help describe the function is not in detail...so,could any guys explain the meanings of the "Axis Order" and "rotation Axis" under the Euler Parameters rollout?...

Thanks in advanced~:wip: