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Indie Cyberpunk Strategy/RPG Game (Non-Pay) job

Posted: October 05, 2008
Project name:


Brief description:

Zion is a strategy/rpg Cyberpunk game. The game code has come very far, and we are currently producing some great music, models, and concept art. However,with only a handful of dedicated artists/modelers, etc, we are always on the lookout for like-minded people to join our team.

Target aim:

We haven't made a final decision on how we'll market 'Zion'. The concensus seems to be for releasing a free trial version, then selling and marketing the game proper ourselves.
This is essentially a non-pay entry level project, though of course monetary compensation will be distributed in the event we market and sell the game succesfully. It is being produced as a 'stepping stone' into the industry for (most) of our team members, and if our team works well together- a stepping stone to our next project. We are all learning a lot about the game development process quite fast, and the game is showing a lot of promise thus far.


We are offering a percentage of potential revenue, in the event that we market the game commercially.


Our target system is the PC.
"We're using Ogre3D which is capable of rendering to OpenGL and DIrectX. We're using C++ right now and at this point virtually all of the code I have written is completely portable."

-Bloodychill, Zion Team Leader

Talent needed:

3d modellers
Texture artists

And anyone else who has some talent and is willing to give some of their time in order to get a finished game project under their belt. Any level of experience is welcome.

Team structure:

Bloodychill- Lead programmer

Curtis- Composer

Jeremy- Modeler/uvlayout/basic textures/rigging/animation

Thatguy113- Modeller/basic textures

Fabiodan- Modeller/basic textures

Ari- Character Concept artist

Pinback(me)- Lead concept artist/Art director

Barry- Concept artist





Previous Work by Team:

This is our first serious game project.

Additional Info:

The game is just getting off it's feet in terms of game assets, concepts art/models etc. But the game engine coding itself is well underway.


Any feedback will be welcome.

Here is a portion of the concept art I have done for Zion thus far;

Whatever your skill level/area of expertise is, feel free to drop by our forum, or e-mail me regarding any questions you may have.
