Help with 3d max
I am new to 3d max and i am unable to apply a simple task.
When moving objects about the various axis, most tutorials show a rbg axis guide next to the object. Then a drag and drop allows the movement with the move tool.
How do i bring up this axis as it is not shown on my object? (the one with the yellow square between the axis)
is it a short key?
I am new to 3d max and i am unable to apply a simple task.
When moving objects about the various axis, most tutorials show a rbg axis guide next to the object. Then a drag and drop allows the movement with the move tool.
How do i bring up this axis as it is not shown on my object? (the one with the yellow square between the axis)
is it a short key?
Posted: January 07, 2010
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Post subject:
The default select/move/rotate/scale shortcuts are Q/W/E/R.
Secondly, if you still don't see the gizmo, go to main menu-> Customize -> Customize User Preferences, and make sure your gizmos (there should be a separate tab and a checkbox somewhere else as well) are turned on.