sas second world war jeep
Posted: April 02, 2011
Post subject: sas second world war jeep
Post subject: sas second world war jeep
Hi all here is a jeep I’m making its part of my work for my university degree. It’s mostly just blocked out ready for detailing. The back wheel still needs to be made, I used the front one for the render. Made in max rendered in mental ray. Critique is most welcome.
I have been able to do quite a bit more on the jeep Critique as always welcome
I have been able to do quite a bit more on the jeep Critique as always welcome

Posted: April 04, 2011
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Very detailed model. It will be nice to see it all textured
I usually use mr for my renders too. I like the way it works.

Posted: April 04, 2011
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Yes I love it also. Adding bump maps helps to keep the poly count down.
Posted: April 05, 2011
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This is very good how long did it take?
Posted: April 05, 2011
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Hi Jawerty about 25 hours it’s hard to work out because I’m making it in our 3dmodeling class at university but I spend a lot of time helping the other students.
Posted: April 27, 2011
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Awesome job, the detail in the render and the balance of shades is fantastic. Those tracks are so very cool. I just mocked uped a truck, if you know any good tutorials to get that effect? Very nice n_n Kudos! -nbimage
Posted: April 28, 2011
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Hi Nbimage thanks for the comments. Here is a link to a good tutorial for ambient occlusion with mental ray.
In the update images I have used the ambient occlusion with a wire map added, to do this use a composite material with the ambient occlusion material for the base and a standard one for the first slot with wire ticked.
And here is a link for a very good script for vray, with this it’s only a few of clicks and you are there.
If you have any problems just let me know. Tom
In the update images I have used the ambient occlusion with a wire map added, to do this use a composite material with the ambient occlusion material for the base and a standard one for the first slot with wire ticked.
And here is a link for a very good script for vray, with this it’s only a few of clicks and you are there.
If you have any problems just let me know. Tom
Posted: April 29, 2011
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Thanks, that rocks! I really dig that effect and am going to use it very shortly. Keep an eye for it lol
Posted: July 19, 2011
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Wow!! That is a very detailed model, will be nice to see it fully rendered with carpaint and all that

Posted: July 27, 2011
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nice job.can't wait for your next work
Posted: July 28, 2011
Post subject: SAS Jeep project
Post subject: SAS Jeep project
Hi thanks for your comments! The next stage is to model a character for the jeep; However I am studying scripting at the moment, to be ready for the next t part of on my course. I hope to start work on him in a few weeks. Tom
Posted: July 28, 2011
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cool! its so detailed! like that!
Posted: September 07, 2011
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very , very nice, always good to have lot of details
Posted: September 08, 2011
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Detail is very important i think you have a nice model here
Posted: September 21, 2011
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nice work really love the detailing !