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"OCEANSPLASH for Maya"-Create splashes in seconds

Posted: February 16, 2012

OceanSplash, an easy to use plugin for Maya to create awesome splashes fastest ever. The plugin creates splashes for animated objects/characters in seconds, that otherwise would require even for an expert to spend days in order to create just 'ONE'.


1. Interactive Interfaces (Create, Edit)

2. Dedicated splash engines for every assigned object or curve

3. Splash engines detect ocean/pond surface contact & reads finest waves

4. An Engine for curve, emit floating particles controlled by a controller curve

5. Splash engines can easily be switched on or off as required.

6. Splash engine could be built for ordinary particles or nParticles.

7. Splash engine settings for an object can be saved as presets

8. The plugin has options to Export selected or All *oSp-objects from the scene

9. Import just *oSp-object/s to an Ocean/Pond of the current scene, or along with ocean/pond from the import file as is.

10. Import an *oSp-object multiple times to the same ocean/pond and they all work independently.

*oSp-object is an object that is assigned to oceansplash


Oceansplash uses Maya’s resident resources to build an *oSpEngine for the selected object that then takes charge of generating splashy, floating particles at every encounter it has with the Maya ocean or pond. Two types of particles are generated to depict a splash, one at every contact and forms a trail for moving objects and the other at a hard contact that behaves like foam and stays for a shorter time on ocean or pond surface. The intensity of a splash and the amount of foam particles generated for an object depends on the intensity of the impact. This plug-in is nParticle compatible and allows you to choose between ordinary particles and nParticles, before building an oSpEngine.

By using this plug-in you can create splash effects for scenes like:

1. A fish jumping off and falling back into an ocean ( checkout oceansplash.in Homepage)

2. Ships or submarine at ocean surface

3. Sea shore effect where particles are generated at ocean and shore contact

4. Plane crashing into sea

5. And the list goes on..

You can assign as many objects as you like in a scene to oceanSplash.

OceanSplash is a very sophisticated software. It picks objects from a selection that it needs when creating, editing, exporting and importing oSp-objects. Thus working with it is very easy.

*oSpEngine or splash engine, is built by oceansplash plug-in for the objects that are assigned to it. oSpEngines are responsible for detecting ocean/pond contact and for generating particles in a way that look and behave like a splash. oSpEngines also allows itself to be wired directly to the Edit interface for editing.