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3D Animation Producer/Project Manager job

Posted: May 07, 2012
Salary: Varies

3D Medical Creative is looking for 3D Animation Producer/Project Manager

Job details: We are looking for an experienced independent producer/project manager to remotely lead our animators in the creation of device, MOA and Scientific Medical 3D Animations and various media creation projects. You will provide your own work space, phone and computer equipment and work whatever hours are required to manage your various team members and projects.

In short we are looking for a very likable person that people love to work with and will go the extra mile for and that customers remember as being someone they had such a great experience with that they will go out of their way to work with you again and again.

The right person has a solid Project Manager/Producer background with the relative training and experience to enable you to define, design and lead our animators in the creation of stunning, effective and efficiently produced 3D animations. And needless to say the more medical/biological and anatomical knowledge you have about the workings of the human body the better.

If you are a very media, technology and web savvy individual with strong artistic abilities, extensive patience, solid problem solving and people management skills and the ability to deliver accurate and stunning results on time and on budget we'd like to hear from you. Oh yeah, bonus points if you can put together a stellar proposal too...

Please email to: 3dmedicalcreative@gmail.com with a current resume with references, an idea of what your monthly income requirements are for a full time contract position as well as for a project by project contract. Please include links to examples of relative work (produced both personally and as a producer/project manager).

Thank you for your time and interest. We look forward to receiving an reviewing your information.

Location: USA

Contact info:
email - 3dmedicalcreative@gmail.com
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