Rendering Help
Posted: September 16, 2012
Post subject: Rendering Help
Post subject: Rendering Help
I'm using 3DS Max 2013 for the first time, and without changing any settings, when I render the following shape, those black lines appear. I'm sure that if I used 3DS Max 2012 this wouldn't happen, since this never happened to me before. Is there anything I can do to stop them appearing.
Note that this also happens when I create a simple shape (default teapot), so I can rule out triangulation problems.
Note that this also happens when I create a simple shape (default teapot), so I can rule out triangulation problems.

Posted: September 18, 2012
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Also have you tried welding the Vertices? and resetting the smoothing groups? Although I am not sure why the teapot would do it if this was the case.
Posted: November 14, 2012
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I think polys are need in your work.