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VIEWCONFERENCE 2012 - Turin, Italy

Posted: September 29, 2012
Hi everybody!

VIEWConference has come back! The premiere international event in Italy on Computer Graphics, Digital Cinema, 3D Animation, Gaming, VFX and Interactive Techniques, will take place in Turin from 16th to 19th October 2012, followed by the VIEWFest, the Computer Animation Festival (from 19th - 21th October).
Among the big international guests, there will be the academy award-winning author and Autodesk Fellow TOM WUJEC, a global leader in design, engineering and entertainment software for the manufacturing, architecture, building, media and entertainment industries; key artists from the visual effects studios behind films certain to be on the short list for 2013 visual effects Oscar, such as Paul Franklin (Inception, The Dark Knight Rises), Jason Smith (The Avengers), David Schaub (The Amazing Spider-Man), Rex Grignon, head of animation at DreamWorks Animation. Mark Walsh, supervising animator at Pixar Animation Studios. Rob Bredow, CTO at Sony Pictures Imageworks, and many others!
We're waiting for all of you!!!
For more information, please visit our website! (register online to access the conference, free entrance)