VIEW Conference 2013 with John Knoll
Posted: August 21, 2013
Post subject: VIEW Conference 2013 with John Knoll
Post subject: VIEW Conference 2013 with John Knoll
The VIEW Conference, Italy’s largest computer graphics conference, has announced that Industrial Light & Magic’s new Chief Creative Officer John Knoll is slated to be the keynote speaker at this year’s event, taking place October 15-18 in Turin, Italy. John Knoll will present ILM’s work on Guillermo del Toro’s amazing film Pacific Rim and share his knowledge with VIEW attendees.
At ILM, Knoll led the award-winning studio’s work on LucasFilm’s Star Wars Episodes I, II, and III, and Disney’s first two Pirates of the Caribbean films. He was a computer graphics designer on director Jim Cameron’s 1989 film The Abyss and more recently, visual effects supervisor at ILM for the Oscar-winning films Hugo (Martin Scorsese), Rango (Gore Verbinski), and Avatar (Jim Cameron), three of the 35 films for which he’s credited.
In 2007, Knoll received an Oscar and a BAFTA film award for Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest. In addition, Knoll has received five Oscar nominations, four BAFTA nominations, nine VES nominations, and two VES awards for visual effects. The ILM veteran and long-time member of the ILM brain trust became the studio’s first chief creative officer in 2013.
VIEW Conference will also host CG master like Roger Guyett (ILM's VFX Supervisor for Star Trek - Into Darkness), Erik Nash (VFX Supervisor for Iron Man 3, Sandra Karpman (Camera Motion for Pixar's Monster University) and many others..
The complete programm will be online soon at
Have a look to the VIEW contest here:
...Stay tuned!
At ILM, Knoll led the award-winning studio’s work on LucasFilm’s Star Wars Episodes I, II, and III, and Disney’s first two Pirates of the Caribbean films. He was a computer graphics designer on director Jim Cameron’s 1989 film The Abyss and more recently, visual effects supervisor at ILM for the Oscar-winning films Hugo (Martin Scorsese), Rango (Gore Verbinski), and Avatar (Jim Cameron), three of the 35 films for which he’s credited.
In 2007, Knoll received an Oscar and a BAFTA film award for Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest. In addition, Knoll has received five Oscar nominations, four BAFTA nominations, nine VES nominations, and two VES awards for visual effects. The ILM veteran and long-time member of the ILM brain trust became the studio’s first chief creative officer in 2013.
VIEW Conference will also host CG master like Roger Guyett (ILM's VFX Supervisor for Star Trek - Into Darkness), Erik Nash (VFX Supervisor for Iron Man 3, Sandra Karpman (Camera Motion for Pixar's Monster University) and many others..
The complete programm will be online soon at
Have a look to the VIEW contest here:
...Stay tuned!