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3D Modeling/animation for futuristic mech

Posted: August 06, 2014
Lockeblade Interactive is looking for 3D Modeling/animation for futuristic mech

Starting Date: 7/9/14, duration - Until Render Complete

Job details: I’ve pulled together a team of nine individuals (a mix of programming, art, music, and writing talents) to create a prototype for a next-generation action game. We are seeking funding from a major publisher no later than the beginning of September. We are currently in need of a 3D modeler/animator to complete one or two basic models for the prototype.

I’d love to take some time to talk about our project further with you, and see if you’d be interested in contributing to our prototype. We’re all very passionate about the interactive entertainment industry, and we think we have an excellent shot at getting funded.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Requirements: - Ability to render 3D models in Blender or 3DS Max.

- Animation experience.

- Ability to work with a programmer to have your work imported into UE4.

Location: Austin, TX

Contact info:
email - jobs@lockeblade.com
web site - www.lockeblade.com
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3d modeling jobs