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Maya VS 3D Max

Posted: November 12, 2017
I am a beginner to 3d modeling and can get either maya or 3DMax free
as a student.
I will be doing animation of 3d geometric figures as a hobby.
Could someone help me decide between those two programs

Posted: March 15, 2018
Obviously i'd suggest 3dsmax as preferred one. not only there are thousands of ready to use models and objetcs, but also it's compatibility with many software out there and lots of plugin. though maya is more powerful in modeling complicated shapes!
Posted: January 27, 2022
I'd like to recommend you this website I'm personally using to get 3D programs, it's more affordable than the actual prices

https://softwarebutterfly.com/ thank me later ;
Posted: November 22, 2022
3D projects are no longer just for games. Companies use them to create interactive and immersive experiences for their customers.
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Posted: June 27, 2024
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