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Home > Free Textures for 3D artists > Leaf Texture Collection

Unidentified Leaf Texture Collection 3


This is a collection of unidentified leaf texture maps available for free. Please help us identify them.

34 files, last one added on Sep 14, 2006
Album viewed 1071 times

Box Elder Tree Leaf Texture Collection


Free Acer negundo also known as Box Elder, Boxelder Maple, and Maple Ash tree leaf texture maps. Transparency maps available.

61 files, last one added on Sep 14, 2006
Album viewed 1188 times

Castor Oil Plant Leaf Textures


This is a collection of Castor Oil Plant leaf texture maps available for free. Separate transparency mask textures available in .jpg format.

6 files, last one added on Sep 14, 2006
Album viewed 831 times

Sunroot Leaf Textures


The Jerusalem artichoke, Helianthus tuberosus, also called the sunroot or sunchoke or Earth Apple or topinambur leaf textures with separate transparency mask textures. Free Download

22 files, last one added on Sep 14, 2006
Album viewed 1032 times

Red Maple Tree Leaf Textures


Acer rubrum or Red Maple, also known as Swamp Maple or Soft Maple tree leaf textures collection. With separate transparency mask texture files.

8 files, last one added on Sep 14, 2006
Album viewed 875 times

Unidentified Leaf Texture Collection 8


This is a collection of unidentified leaf texture maps. Please help us identify them.

8 files, last one added on Sep 14, 2006
Album viewed 660 times

Honey Locust Tree Leaf Texture Collection


Free Gleditsia triacanthos also known as Honey Locust Tree leaf texture maps with separate transparency mask files.

41 files, last one added on Sep 14, 2006
Album viewed 1489 times

Unidentified Leaf Texture Collection 10


This is a collection of unidentified leaf texture maps. Please help us identify them.

4 files, last one added on Sep 14, 2006
Album viewed 729 times

Unidentified Leaf Texture Collection 11


This is a collection of unidentified leaf texture maps. Please help us identify them.

8 files, last one added on Sep 14, 2006
Album viewed 783 times

Oak Tree Leaf Textures


Oak tree leaf textures with separate alpha channel. Average texture size 640x640. Free download.

8 files, last one added on Sep 14, 2006
Album viewed 1154 times

Lilac Leaves Textures


Lilac leaf textures with separate alpha channel texture files. Average texture size 640x640. Free download.

47 files, last one added on Sep 14, 2006
Album viewed 1168 times

Black Locust Tree Leaves Textures


Robinia pseudoacacia or Black Locust Tree leaf textures with separate alpha channel. Average texture size 640x640. Free download.

8 files, last one added on Sep 14, 2006
Album viewed 928 times

34 albums on 3 page(s) 2

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