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Vintage Zenith Radio Model204 viewsRetro 60's-70's Zenith Solid State 3D model made for a vintage workroom scene.Aug 02, 2013
Peterbilt 359 Truck Cab & Trailer Low Poly218 viewsPeterbilt 359 Truck Cab & Trailer Low Poly 3D Vehicle Model. Full view visit http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/176/d/1/peterbilt_359_low_poly_model_by_mxronin-d6aiioj.jpg Jun 26, 2013
Fokker SA-183 TPe WIP 90%290 views90%: Complete Due very Soon *5/4/11May 05, 2011
SandSei Radar Truck Front434 viewsThis is a terrain target for my scifi-aircraft game. This is the SandSei Radar truck. Usually lead scout trucks for feul and material convoys through the vast sand barrens. It is built to take heavy storms and firepower as well. This truck is using with a radar collector, but the SandSei Bed cargo bay can be easily swapped to hold various other goods and equipment. May 05, 2011
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